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Audrey LOPEZ

Directrice Marketing & Communication

Gestion de la marque
Experte en Marketing et Communication
Spécialiste média
Marketing numérique
Team player
Audrey LOPEZ
Sherbrooke Canada (Québec)
Situation professionnelle
En poste
En simple veille
Je suis actuellement à la recherche de nouveaux projets et challenges.

J'ai toujours cherché à étoffer mon domaine de compétences, ceci explique la diversité de mes expériences professionnelles. J'ai travaillé dans les secteurs aussi spécifiques que l'Entertainment, les nouvelles technologies, le sport automobile, la moto, l'automobile ou le luxe.

Je me présente à vous comme quelqu'un de dynamique, honnête, flexible, ambitieuse et pragmatique ayant un sens aigu du relationnel.

Pour toute requête, n'hésitez pas à me contacter !
  • 2019 - 2020 Can-Am Ryker Marketing Campaign

    Challenges and Goals:
    Since the glory days of motorcycle riding, the category has been in a state of a 10-year decline. In 2019, Bombardier Recreational Product’s Can-Am was set to launch a revolutionary new 3-wheel motorcycle that it hoped would reignite interest in the category and bring in a new breed of younger riders. The problem was this target saw 3-wheelers as old and undesirable.

    The brand needed to showcase the Can-Am Ryker as a new way to ride for urban thrill-seekers and position the Ryker as a status symbol that spoke to this target’s sense of individuality.

    Insights and Strategy:
    BRP knew it was after a fun-loving, thrill-seeking group of individuals, but they are not a homogenous group. They are younger and more diverse. And for them, the open road represents a place to have fun and express who they are.

    To connect with the individualistic spirit of these riders, the team landed on the galvanizing idea of “Ride Like No Other,” and set out to orchestrate a launch unlike any the category had ever seen.

    BRP kicked off the program with an exclusive social partnership with Migos, the most trendsetting rap group in the world. Through social pushes, PR initiatives, and exclusive licensing of a track, Migos helped the brand announce Ryker to its trendsetting audience in a way no traditional advertising could.

    This partnership led to invaluable unpaid product placements, including a starring role in Cardi B and Offset’s hit music video “Clout,” being featured in Maluma’s music video “HP,” and being a part of Cardi B’s summer tour stage show.

    All of this amounted to 285+ million earned impressions, almost exclusively in entertainment channels that have never before covered a powersports launch. An influencer program with over a dozen hand-picked social lifestyle influencers from across North America helped demystify the idea of a 3-wheel vehicle among the brand’s target and showed how they “Ride Like No Other.”

    For the first time it showed 3-wheel motorcycles in an aspirational light. All of these initiatives were supported with a full 360 paid campaign featuring OOH, digital, social, and a TV
    spot which featured a track from Migos themselves. All together, the program has helped to launch Ryker in a way never before seen for a Can-Am product, and it has pivoted the conversation around what it means to ride 3-wheel.

    There was a 110% increase in Can-Am On-Road NA sales (vs. 2018, as of July 31) and a 6% increase in Ryker NA sales (vs. target, as of July 31). Thus far, Ryker, through tactical partnerships and cultural alignments, has been beyond successful in achieving its goal of sending shockwaves throughout culture, and is beginning to change perceptions of the entire 3-wheel category.
Détails de l'expérience
  • Management et optimisation de la stratégie de marque, plans médias alignés avec la "consumer journey" et les ventes au détail – budget géré : 19M$, gestion des prévisionnels et planification budgétaire
  • Mise en place de KPIs, audiences, objectifs, analyses, reporting, gestion des publicités, amélioration des outils media
  • Management de projets transversaux (multi-brands), optimisation de process internationaux
  • Reporting au haut management, optimisation des outils tels que Datorama, Power Bi, création de tableaux de bord
  • Facebook / Instagram (Business Manager) / YouTube, SEM, SEO, display, vidéo, TV (traditionnelle, addressable), OOH, CPC
  • Analyste de données, suivi des KPIs et des ads, création d’un "sentiment score" pour les stratégies sociales payantes
  • Excellents résultats pour la campagne Ryker 2019 : 2B d'impressions, 40% de nouveau consommateurs, 62K insattaltions d'application mobile